There was one exception to McLoughlin's tenure on these comics and that was the involvement of a teenage Ron Embleton on an issue of Buffalo Bill. McLoughlin was always working at full tilt as he had all the covers to illustrate (along with lettering the friggin' things!) for Boardman's constantly expanding range of crime hardbacks and paperbacks, plus a range of annuals to create from the bottom up. God only knows where he found the time and in fact when asked about it years later he was as mystified as anyone as to how he did it all.
World of opportunity on a budget!
What is particularly intriguing about this rarely seen comic is witnessing the early manifestation of Embleton's brush style, which even in it's relatively crude state shows his natural and rhythmic approach to drawing where he easily has the upper hand over McLoughlin's more labored approach to figure work. Having said that McLoughlin's strengths were in his grittier and more "noire" tinged approach to his subjects as tomorrow's posting will reveal.
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