Awesome. New. Comic.

The best new comic series so far in 2011 started this week, The Infinite Vacation, and if you're a comic book lover, you should run out and buy it. It's from the creators of last year's big new hit, Morning Glories, so hopefully it will be a huge success.

Mark lives in a world where you can trade places (for a fee) with any of the other versions of you in any of the infinite multiple universes. Wish you didn't over eat at lunch? You can fix that. Want to live in a world where you became President. It can be done. So, why is Mark so unhappy? And why are many of the versions of himself he's met from other realities dieing off?

Clever artwork, which breaks the 4th wall with its story telling, I was absolutely riveted after reading this today. I wished I didn't have to wait a whole month for issue #2. And I wanted to suggested it to anyone who would listen. Is that you? Would you listen? Or do I need to vacation to a dimension where you would?

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