In order to duplicate the experience of the concert merch table online, I'm selling 11"x17" color prints of any comic on this blog. All posters are $15 plus shipping, payable by check or paypal. Orders will ship promptly. Contact me at to order. Shipping is $3 for domestic orders, more in Canada (I've always wanted to say that). I do international shipping as well, but rates vary.
British Girls' Comics: Girl Weekly
3:11 AM |
air hostess,
Angela Air Hostess,
Belle of the Ballet,
British girls' comics,
Dudley Pout,
Hulton Press,
John Ryan,
Nurse Susan marsh,
Peter Kay,
Stanley Houghton
The previous post featured pages from one of the hardbound Girl annuals. Such books were typically produced by British comic publishers every year for Christmas. From my point of view they're useful because they fit on my scanner! Not so the weekly comic papers. Here's a typical weekly issue of Girl from 28 Feb 1959 (Vol. 8 #9). I've taken digital photos of the pages - they're not so easy to read but you can see how a typical issue was laid out and what it consisted of. Some comparison is possible with my previous post, although that was only a selection from the annual, not the whole thing. Note the cover price of 4½d, which was half the price of an American comic at the time - American comics had just begun distribution in Britain with the January 1959 issues at the time this copy of Girl hit the stands.
Note that the comic has a color wrap and centerfold, the rest being black and white.
Angela, Air Hostess, drawn by Dudley Pout, is "the story of a girl who longed for adventure", conforming nicely to this career woman stereotype from the 50s and 60s.
The interior of the centerfold has a different orientation, and sports a poster, in this case of the lovely Doris Day!
Here's Belle of the Ballet, drawn by Stanley Houghton:
Quite a variety of material.
As a reader of British weeklies myself back in the early 60s, I can testify to it being an event to look forward to, picking up the new issue from the newsagent that he was keeping on order for you. I was reading The Beano, The Dandy, and other such funny papers but they also had serial adventures in them. Most of these weekly comics eventually got thrown out like newspapers, and they are now really hard to find, and expensive when you do see them. When you do come across them, if it's not on eBay, it might be in one of Britain's more provincial comic shops, like this one in the town of Eastbourne on the south coast:
This is where I purchased some of the annuals that I've been posting examples of British girls' comics from. Francois is only open a couple of days a week. Places that sell really old British comics are few and far between. You can see that Francois sells a bunch of other stuff besides comics, but the latter are a significant presence in his inventory.
War Picture Library 85 Break-Through
Not the worst war picture library ever written but it could win an award for being the most tedious.
There just isn't any emotional energy in this story as it just plods along going from one incident to the next. There's nothing wrong with the background to the story as desperate attacks and counterattacks follow each other and the narrative is never too far away in reminding the reader about the harsh cost of war in human lives. The main characters have all the right attributes for a good story; two of them are front line veterans, another is the tough but fair athletic military policeman and in a supporting role there is an immoral and treacherous coward.
All the fragments are there for a reasonable if not good story but they just don't come together. It would require some exceptional artwork to lift Break-Through to an acceptable level - but sadly it isn't there. However on a positive note the charging Tommy on the cover is ready defeat the Hun with a yell and blinding blaze of white webbing is pretty damn good.
The cover alone however cannot save Break-Through. This is one of those stories that makes it into the "er not the best" catergory. The more I read Break-Through the more I found myself turning each page in desperation waiting for something dramatic to happen. I think I uttered "AAAAGH!" out of absolute frustration more times than I would like to admit.
You're accused of eating all the cream buns...
This is supposed to be a tough detention camp. The man on the extreme left appears to be singing a song and the two on the extreme right are having a good old chat while checking out each other's thighs.
Another game of Risk! in progress.
Funny isn't it? They'll charge at enemy machine guns, run headlong at enemy tanks and fight in deadly hand to hand combat. But step on one sharp stone and all of a sudden its "ouch!"
His troops call him the Mexican.
If one of your comrades was killed by two escaping prisoners wouldn't you administer Rule 303? Or in the German's case Rule 7.92.
Why not now? Or in four days? Or how about a week from Thursday?
That would have to be the worst armoured car ever produced. With designs like that it just goes to show why the Germans lost the war.
Curiously the Man of Lamancha poster survived the inferno and is now available on eBay.
There just isn't any emotional energy in this story as it just plods along going from one incident to the next. There's nothing wrong with the background to the story as desperate attacks and counterattacks follow each other and the narrative is never too far away in reminding the reader about the harsh cost of war in human lives. The main characters have all the right attributes for a good story; two of them are front line veterans, another is the tough but fair athletic military policeman and in a supporting role there is an immoral and treacherous coward.
All the fragments are there for a reasonable if not good story but they just don't come together. It would require some exceptional artwork to lift Break-Through to an acceptable level - but sadly it isn't there. However on a positive note the charging Tommy on the cover is ready defeat the Hun with a yell and blinding blaze of white webbing is pretty damn good.
The cover alone however cannot save Break-Through. This is one of those stories that makes it into the "er not the best" catergory. The more I read Break-Through the more I found myself turning each page in desperation waiting for something dramatic to happen. I think I uttered "AAAAGH!" out of absolute frustration more times than I would like to admit.
You're accused of eating all the cream buns...
This is supposed to be a tough detention camp. The man on the extreme left appears to be singing a song and the two on the extreme right are having a good old chat while checking out each other's thighs.
Another game of Risk! in progress.
Funny isn't it? They'll charge at enemy machine guns, run headlong at enemy tanks and fight in deadly hand to hand combat. But step on one sharp stone and all of a sudden its "ouch!"
His troops call him the Mexican.
If one of your comrades was killed by two escaping prisoners wouldn't you administer Rule 303? Or in the German's case Rule 7.92.
Why not now? Or in four days? Or how about a week from Thursday?
That would have to be the worst armoured car ever produced. With designs like that it just goes to show why the Germans lost the war.
Curiously the Man of Lamancha poster survived the inferno and is now available on eBay.
British Girls' Comics: Girl - Pioneer of a New Trend
2:49 AM |
air hostess,
Belle of the Ballet,
British girls' comics,
fashion model,
Hulton Press,
John Ryan,
Nurse Susan marsh,
Peter Kay,
Stanley Houghton
Girl, published by Hulton Press, was a powerful trendsetter in 1950s Britain. Sister paper to the famous boys' comic, Eagle, it served readers up a rich diet of career girl heroines, middle class culture, and private school antics. This was the world of ballerinas, horse riding, and yachts. The domain of mystery stories and adventures, and careers as a nurse, model, or air hostess. At 176 pages, Girl Annual 6 (1957) was packed with text stories, instructions for making things like lamp shades, news on the Royal Family, and tips for all sorts of everyday necessities for the upward aspiring. I like that a lot of the comic stories and art are credited - alas, something rare in older British comics. So here's a selection, starting with Belle of the Ballet, one of the longest running features in Girl. The ballerina represents almost pure fantasy for the reader, in terms of a connection to real life possibilities, and while girls could go to ballet lessons, their chances of turning this into a career at some point were extremely remote, given the limited numbers of openings for ballet dancers in the job market. In this issue Belle is drawn by Stanley Houghton:
Next, another long-running feature in the weekly comic, Nurse Susan Marsh, drawn by Peter Kay. Susan is dedicated to her job, which is made unnecessarily difficult by the bullying of Staff Nurse Fisher. In the weekly comics, Susan's adventures in nursing were dished up in small installments, the whole story perhaps running for months. In the annuals the reader was given more pages than the usual two in the weekly comic, but a shorter story overall, complete for the big book. This particular story here is a multicultural effort. I noticed that the British girls comics of the 50s and 60s tended to contain some stories, text or comic, that had British girls or women interacting in a friendly way with females of color from different parts of the world, usually corners of the British Commonwealth, but in this case a Japanese woman. It is necessary to overlook the slightly patronizing tone, and the characterization involving the broken English, but for the times this was a fairly respectful rendition:
Next let's look at this two-page illustrated text feature about the life of an air hostess. It's clearly no accident that representatives of certain careers appear in comics for girls in this period. Think Marvel's career girl funnies of the 40s and 50s - Nellie the Nurse, Millie the Model, Tessie the Typist, or some of the romance comics of the early to mid-60s featuring nurses (Young Love), air hostesses (Bonnie Taylor in Young Romance), or Hollywood starlets. There were certain stereotypes of professional women that contributed to these stock images that offered girls role models:
Indeed, what about a career in modeling?
Now here's one of those adventures reserved for the well-to-do. You need a bit of money to be able to attend private school and go horse riding in your free time. The problem in this story is that some absolute cad is trying to withdraw the sports facilities used by the school. Although a girl, Wendy has an all-round education that includes knowledge of gender segregated sports for men, specifically cricket. Thus she is able to outwit that rotter whose greed seeks to spoil their fun!
Here's another short story that illustrates that it pays to be middle class if you want an adventurous life.This time you have to have had parents who could afford to give you yachting experience, either directly with the family's own boat, or through extra-curricular activities at your private school. In this story drawn by Charles Paine, the three heroines are a dab hand at handling a sailing craft, without which their vacation could well have been quite dull:
A weekly feature in Girl comic was a cartoon strip entitled Lettice Leefe, about the zany goings on in the life of a somewhat eccentric young female. There are two pages of this Girl Annual 6 given over to Lettice:
Girl is quite a varied salad, and I've only given a brief introduction here. The text items expand the scope of the book, but I'm really just focusing on the comics. As a final example from this annual, here's a true life story of one of the greatest figures in British history, the Celtic Queen Boudicca (Boadicea), whose memory is preserved by a truly powerful, regal statue on the Thames Embankment in London:
So there you have an introduction to the most prominent British comic for girls in the 1950s and into the early 60s. Readers may be interested in this excellent article by Dr. Mel Gibson (coincidence, huh!?) of Sunderland University, which gives a really insightful introduction to the study of British girls' comics:
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